Study Abroad in Paderborn

  • <span>Study Abroad in Paderborn</br>在帕德博恩留学</span>
Holger Karl, Head of Institute of computer science at Paderborn University, gives an overview of the videos in this series. In the video series “Study abroad in Paderborn,” professors, academic staff, Ph.D.’s and students explain everything you need to know about studying abroad, in Germany and specifically in Paderborn. These videos address five topics:

• The University
The first group of videos talks about the university as a whole, how we are set up, what our strengths in research and teaching are. We also talk in particular about the Department of Computer Science.

• Study@UPB: Why?
We explain how our English-based study programs (e.g., computer science and computer engineering) work and what you can expect to find here.

• How to study @UPB
The third set of videos is about studying in general.

• Getting here
The fourth group of videos talks about formal processes, visa regulations, how to apply, what to do once you are here, how to get housing and more.

• Everyday life in Paderborn
And the fifth group of videos is mostly about everyday life. Starting from how to get a telephone once you are here, how to go to a doctor, how to go shopping for groceries and so on.

More "Study Abroad in Paderborn" Videos can be found here:
Study abroad in Paderborn
德国帕德博恩大学计算机系主任Karl教授为即将来德国留学的同学们介绍题为“在帕德博恩留学”的视频系列。在这个 视频系列中来自帕德博恩大学的教授,负责人,博士生和大学生们将为您介绍有关在德国,特别是在帕德博恩大学留学生活的方方面面。